Surveying in Architecture (ARCG112)

Quiz Lecture 1 - Introduction to Site Grading

Dr. Joao Pinelo Silva, Assistant Professor

Question 1

What is dispensable during site grading?

  1. The ability to make measurements on site
  2. A topographic survey of the site
  3. The ability to manipulate contour lines to create the desired lanfdorms.
  4. The ability to calculate cut and fill.
  • Site grading is the process by which one creates landforms to suit the desired occupation.
  • Which of the above is not necessary for this task?

To do site grading, in other words, to create landforms, one needs the existing landform - a topographic survey. One also needs to know how to manipulate these to reshape the terrain where necessary. Finally, it is important to quantify cut and fill as part of the process to gauge the cost of grading. This is necessary for a complete assessment/comparison of grading solutions. The only point that is normally unnecessary to perform is to make measurements on the site since most necessary data can be taken from the survey.

Question 2

How can we visually evaluate, variations of steepness on the topography on a map or plan?

  1. By observing the contour lines
  2. By observing the horizontal equivalent between consecutive contour lines
  3. Through the contour interval
  4. Through the scale


  • contour lines provide information about the elevation;
  • The horizontal equivalent is the horizontal distance between points;
  • The contour interval is constant throughout a map or plan.

Since the contour interval is constant on a map or plan, the horizontal equivalent (visual distance) between consecutive contour line represents the steepness of the terrain. Smaller distances imply greater steepness; while larger distances imply smoother steepness.

Question 3

Given that:

  • '\(S\)' is slope
  • '\(V\)' is the vertical distance between two points
  • '\(H\)' is the horizontal distance between two points

Which formula would output the slope ('S'), between the two points?

  1. \(S\) = \(V / H\)
  2. \(S = V^2 / H\)
  3. \(S = H / V\)
  4. \(S = VH\)
  • Draw the triangle summarizing the problem.
  • Which trigonometric function would you apply?

Notice that the slope will be the tangent of the adjacent angle. Therefore the formula must be the opposite side / adjacent side. The solution is:
\(S = V / H\)